McGill Big 3 Follow Along Video (Fix Your Back Pain!)

*Follow Along* McGill Big 3 Session. If you have back pain or want to keep it from occurring, give this video a try.

6 :10 McGill Curlups

6 :10 Modified Side Planks

6 :10 Bird-Dog Holds

Have you experienced back pain? The McGill Big 3 is a protocol developed by Dr. Stuart McGill to help you develop core stability and to keep back pain from occurring. It’s the McGill Curlup, Side Plank, and Bird-Dog. Do this during your fitness warmup, midway through your day, or when you need help toning down your back pain. I hope it helps; I know it’s helped me tremendously!

To your health,


If you are in the Birmingham area, I am available for in-home personal training. If outside the Mountain Brook, Vestavia Hills, Homewood, or Hoover area, you can still get my expertise through Virtual training (Facetime or Zoom) or I can do workout programming for you. Book a consult today!


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